Lifeproof Business Blueprint

Your Proven Roadmap for Building a Following, Creating Authentic Influence, and Maximizing Your Time so Your Business Grows and Your Life Flourishes

Say No More, I'm In

The premiere step-by-step roadmap for creating a consistent and sustainable business that fits into your life designed for go-getter entrepreneurs like you...

  • Struggling to convert followers to paying customers
  • Ready to be your own boss and provide for your family
  • Burned out in your network marketing business or 9-5 and know you could crush your goals if you had a better system while simultaneously giving you more freedom
  • Tired of no engagement and people ghosting you. All you want is to have more people interested in your offer

So get comfy and get ready to pour yourself some champagne to celebrate your business breakthroughs because in this course I'll be teaching you how to crush your business in 2 hours a day! 

This isn't just another business building course

If it’s a business building strategy, I’ve not only been there, done that and have the t-shirt, I likely have several friends who can speak to how well it worked.
Most other approaches only focus on part of what you need - the tactics that might work right now, but leave out the strategy of how the rubber meets the road and can work long term.
Or they help you with mindset but you’re left to figure out the how-to-make-it-actually-happen all on your own
I know that to truly crush your business you have to have the balance between strategy and tactics.

You need a complete solution that covers:

  • Audience attraction
  • Branding
  • Social media hacks
  • Content creation
  • Copywriting
  • Live videos
  • Marketing
I give you the knowledge and skills in all of these areas while also giving you the tools to make it happen (templates, checklists . . . you know, the whole shebang).
PLUS, you get my holistic approach and insider secrets on how I …
  • Master my mindset
  • Manage my time
  • Make time for myself and my family 


No more working every waking second - you need LEVERAGE and you need your business to be working for you - even while you’re not working!

I'm Melanie Donohoue

(aka Mrs. D)

I started my career as an educator, teaching Kindergarten and First Grade for 10 years! During that time, I also launched an online business. Then over the next 4 years I failed my way to 5-figures and had three babies.

Now I help ambitious high-achievers create profitable online businesses without sacrificing their life, sanity, and relationships to do it!

I’m here to show you the no nonsense skip the line pass to the front of the business game saving you time so you can see faster results.

You're about to feel seen 👀 How many of these hit home for you?


✔️ You struggle to get more people interested in what you have to offer

✔️ You’re tired of hearing all the “NOs” or having people ghost you

✔️ You’re sick of not being able to convert followers to customers

✔️ You wish you had more time (heck, any free time for that matter) for yourself and your family because you work ALL. THE. TIME.

✔️ You’re sold on the idea of being your own boss and quitting your 9-5, but you have no idea how to make your business successful.

✔️ Heck, you’re wondering where to even start. What should your daily method of operations look like? How long will it really take? It’s all so overwhelming.

✔️ You’re suffering from a serious case of imposter syndrome...telling yourself, “Who am I to think I can create the financial freedom I've been dreaming about?”

Girl, I see you! 
I know you want to build a following of raving fans who want what you have, create authentic influence with content that converts, and have time to celebrate with more date nights with your spouse or snuggle time with your kids.
Plus, you'd love to learn how to get your business to do the heavy lifting for you so you can get notifications of people wanting to buy or join your team all while you’re sitting on your couch bingeing your latest Netflix obsession.
And I’m here for it!
All you need is a system that shows you how and where to find the hottest quality prospects, how to create content that converts, how to show up like the leader I know you are all while fitting your business around your life, not the other way around!
Sign Me Up!

Sounds great, Melanie, but do I really need this? Can't I just figure it out on my own? 


Sure, you could fumble your way around using trial and error wasting time and money to figure it out on your own.

Or you could have a proprietary framework, a foolproof, no more guessing, A-Z method to accelerate your results so you can spend less time YouTube - failing your way to the top and have more time having a life you love outside your business.

The reason this is different is because LBB combines

Education + Tools + Community + ACTION

into one unique experience!

And unlike other courses, we focus on taking care of you, your relationships, your energy & enjoying your life while growing your business because in order for your business to scale, you have to level up and become the woman that matches that income and business! 

Ready for the juicy details?

Lifeproof Business Blueprint is an 8-week signature program that includes step-by-step curriculum, unlimited support in our private VIP Facebook group, and an exclusive community of supportive entrepreneurs. 

No more guessing, spinning your wheels or spending 24/7 chained to your phone! With 4 jam-packed modules of curriculum along with action steps & templates designed to be completed, implemented, and perfected over 8 weeks, you'll take your business to a level you never dreamed possible.

The Curriculum 

Get instant access to the 4 Modules. I recommend completing them in order as they were created to build on the previous module.

The course is designed to take about 8 weeks to go through to ensure you have enough time to complete each tool & template, master each step, create each system, and implement each tactic before moving on.

The video trainings & accompanying resources are housed inside a state of the art digital learning platform.

We’re not just focusing on high-level biz strategies, we’re covering ALL the aspects of business that contribute to next level success: mindset, branding, attracting, creating, and selling so you level up your entire business game!

Module 1


Success is 80% mindset, 20% skills so we're tackling the inner work to help you overcome what's holding you back. We'll be focusing on what's important to you, your vision, your schedule, and eliminating the things that are eating up precious time you could be spending on making your dream life a reality!

Module 2


This module has 2 parts - Audience and Influence. In part 1, we'll be getting clear on WHO you want to work with and WHERE to find them. Next we'll dive into building your brand - You, Inc. Your brand is how and what you want to be known for in the marketplace. In part 2, we'll cover content creation strategies and crafting irresistible content that converts. Plus, the fastest way to grow your influence and connect with your perfect prospect so you can increase engagement to convert conversations to sales.

Module 3

Your NO BS GEM Method

The biggest key to your success is knowing not only what to do but how to do it AND fit your business around your life (not the other way around). In this module, we'll be developing your daily method of operations (DMO) using my one-of-a-kind NO BS GEM method. No more guessing. You'll know exactly what to do and when to create massive business momentum!

Module 4

Making It Happen

Tools without strategy are simply tactics. In this module, we'll be putting it all together. Everything from how to track your business to focus on the right areas to balancing business with life so you can feel fulfilled. Plus, as a mom I'm including secrets for those “ish-hits-the-fan” days as well as how to manage your energy to maximize results in the time you have.

But wait, there's more! 

Private VIP Facebook Community

Ask questions and connect with other female entrepreneurs in the group or request some hot seat coaching from pop-up live sessions as needed.

Module-Specific Templates

Each module has templates and downloadable tools created with your success in mind. This is not a theory course, it's a take action and start seeing results course!

Oh, and these Bonuses!

Social Media Swipe File (value $197)

  • Engagement questions
  • Post ideas
  • Live video topics
  • All to help drive engagement
  • PLUS, a checklist to ensure your live videos are on point

Build Your List Mini Course (value: $197)

  • Your guide to make your business "Social Media Proof"
  • Importance of creating and building this essential asset for your business
  • How to set it up (for free)
  • And how to grow your list organically!

8 Week Implementation Group Coaching Recordings & Private VIP Group Access (value: $1997)

I want you to actually TAKE ACTION and MAKE THIS HAPPEN so I'm here for YOU! No sitting on the sidelines or getting to the training "some day". I created an 8 Week video series that breaks down the curriculum into manageable chunks for each week and helps you take action!

Plus, you get access to the private VIP group which connects you with like-minded driven entrepreneurs like yourself and provides accountability to post your action steps for each week! You're not just a dreamer - you're a DOER which means you want to run, get stuff done and start seeing results!

Plus, these module-specific tools:

  • Mindset Templates (value: $97) 
  • Marketing Tools & Templates (value: $197)
  • Energy Map (value: $47)
  • Money Making AccountabilityTracker (value: $397)

Normally $997

Intro Offer

Only = $497

Payment Plan

3 Payments of


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One Time Payment

Full Pay Option


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  • Waking up to an inbox full of DMs of people reaching out to you
  • More fun conversations with people you actually WANT to lock arms with and run!
  • Popping bubbly on a Monday because you just crushed your month end goals!
  • Enjoying a guilt free date night with your sweetie knowing your content is working for you - even while you’re out living life!
  • The weight lifted off your shoulders knowing you don’t have to join the 5 am club or work 24/7 to reach the goal of quitting that 9-5 or retiring your spouse!
Lifeproof Business Blueprint is your ticket to this champagne toasting lifestyle that doesn’t just last a second, it lasts a lifetime.
Stop ignoring the inner voices telling you to reach higher, to dream bigger, to become greater. It is your time to elevate your mind, your business, your bank account, and most importantly your life.

By the end of LBB, you will... 

✔️ Master the clarity you need to excel

✔️ Have a brand that attracts your ideal prospects

✔️ Grow your audience with intention and ease

✔️ Be a content creation wizard and have your ideal clients knocking on your virtual door asking you how they can buy or sign up

✔️ Convert like a boss! No more lookey-loos. You'll have more buyers!

✔️  Experience more joy, less stress, more time with the people you love… heck, more time for YOU!!

Enroll Now

Proven Process

Check out some testimonials from people who started out just like you and tried just a small taste of this premiere course . . .

"...printed my content creator sheet. It will be so helpful in planning content each week. Thank you! 😍"

"Thank you for everything! I have so many new people that are watching now, and more people interested! I also have another person signing up under me! I am in literal tears right now!"

"After taking your advice... I have made two sales in the last two days! I am bound to hit my goal this month!"